Some other places besides Pipeline Road worth
visiting at the Soberania National Park are Old Gamboa Road and
Summit Ponds in Central Panama.
Half an hour from from Panama City, or fifteen minutes from Gamboa Town.
The entrance to Old Gamboa and Summit
Ponds is in front of the Summit Nature Park also a very good place for
birding for novices because of the open areas and the walkways surrounding
the place. All located in Central Panama, Canal area.
Included in price.
â– Easy... to Moderate... to Hard
â– Easy... to â–
Moderate... to â– Hard
With an early morning start, expect to see by noon 55 to 77 species. By the
end of the day a final count of 87+ is common.
Birding is done through 2 km of dry forest, scrub, and grassland and is the
best place in the immediate Canal Area to find some of the species typic al
of those habitats. In the open habitats, it is far more easier to spot birds
compared to what we experience inside a dense forest like the one on
Pipeline Road. So is a great place to be introduce to the tropical birds.
Along the road go into small trails. You will be astonished by the birding
quality in the area.
The climate in Central Panama /Canal Zone is usually warm, with mornings in
the 70s and afternoons in the 80s. Conditions at midday can be humid and
very warm, with temperatures reaching into the lower 90s. Rainstorms may
occur at any time of year, but are more likely during the rainy season,
which runs from the summer months into early December. Generally, the
weather in Central Panama is mild and pleasant, with our activities
corresponding to the cooler parts of the day and heightened bird activity
6:00am till noon = 6hrs... price is per person)
Old Gamboa Road
Ponds) |
In Gamboa town (10 min drive) you will find a couple of small
and comfortable B&B´s (family type operation) for overnight.
Panama City is only 45 minutes from Pipeline Road and driving
back and forward is not a big issue. For
reservations or for reference
will be glad tohelp you.
Besides the B&B which serves meals to their guests, there is no
restaurant in Gamboa besides the fancy Gamboa Rainforest Resort... if
solicited in advance B&B´s can help with this. For reservation or
Light clothing is recommended: cotton shirts or t-shirts - earth
colors preferable- long and short pants, poncho, hiking shoes, hat, insect
repellent and sun block. Dress for tropical hot humid weather and be ready
for rain.
Binoculars, scope (optional), field guide, notebook and camera
(optional ).
These two books are an example of hard work put into, and for
the benefit, of conserving Panama´s birds:
“The Birds of Panama, a field guide by George R Angehr and
Robert Dean Can be describe as the “bible†forPanama and some Costa Rica
birds. First published 2010 .This excellent field guide is highly
recommended as your primary reference book on the birds.
“An Illustrated Field Guide to the Birds of Panama†by
Ernesto Ponce and Giselle Muschett, 2006, 1st Edition. It can be described
as “a descriptive fieldwork tool†for fast information .
This is a listing of birds we have seen along the Old Gamboa
Road, Summit Pond and surrounding areas
different tours, and some additions from friends, guess and people who
have collaborated sharing with us their sightings. The list is continuously
on the move. Feel free to send Your
findings and comments to
Check here
for the complete list of Central Panama Birds.
Among the specialties found in Old Gamboa Road and Summit Ponds :
Go Back
Lance-tailed Manakin
Rosy Thrush-Tanager
Jet Antbird
Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant
White-winged Becard
Spectacled Owl
Great Antshrike
Bran-colored Flycatcher
Boat-billed Heron
Capped Heron
American Pygmy-Kingfisher
Blue Ground-Dove
Also look for:
Gray-necked Wood-Rail,Rufescent Tiger-Heron,Green-backed Heron,Bat Falcon,Gray
Hawk,Pale-vented Pigeon,Short-billed Pigeon,RudyGround-Dove,Gray-chested
Dove,White-tipped Dove,Orange-chinned Parakeet,Red-lored Amazon,Pheasant
Cuckoo,Squirrel Cuckoo,Rufous-tailed Hummingbird,Slaty-tailed Trogon,Ringed
Kingfisher,Amazon Kingfisher,Green Kingfisher,Spot-crowned Barbet,Keel-billed
Collared Aracari,Red-crowned Woodpecker,Lineated Woodpecker,Long-tailed
Woodcreeper,Plain Xenops,Barred Antshrike,Fasciated Antshrike,
Bare-crowned Antbird,Chestnut-backed Antbird (H),White-necked
Puffbird,Black-breasted Puffbird,Tropical Kingbird,Social
Flycatcher,Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher,Streaked Flycatcher,Sepia -capped
Flycatcher,Panama Flycatcher,Yellow-bellied Elaenia,Northern
Bentbill,Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher,Yellow-green Tyrannulet
(endemic),Purple-throated Fruitcrow,Masked Tityra,Golden-collared
Manakin,Lance-tailed Manakin,Buff-breasted Wren,Rufous-breasted Wren,Bay
Wren,Black-bellied Wren,Stripe-breasted Wren,Clay-colored Thrush,Tropical
Gnatcatcher,Yellow Warbler,Bay-breasted Warbler,Northern Waterthrush ,Acadian
´Flycatcher,Northern Oriole,Blue Dacnis,Thick-billed Euphonia,Plain-colored
Tanager,Golden-hooded Tanager,Palm Tanager,Blue-gray Tanager,Flame-rumped
Tanager,Crimson-backed Tanager,Red-crowned Ant-Tanager,Red-throated
Ant-Tanager,White-shouldered Tanager,Gray-headed Tanager,Streaked
Saltator,Buff-throated Saltator,Ruddy-breasted Seedeater,Variable
Seedeater,Yellow-faced Grassquit,Yellow-tailed Oriole,Scarlet-rumped
Cacique,Yellow-rumped Cacique,Rufescent Tiger-Heron

Send for the complete
list of
Central Panama birds.